Četvrti online GISKO književnih kvizova igramo u petak, 27. kolovoza u 20:00 sati, a reprizu u 21:00 sat.
Kvizove ćemo igrati svakog posljednjeg petka u mjesecu putem platforme MyQuiz.
Svaki mjesec kviz će imati drugu temu, a rezultati svih kvizova do kraja godine će se zbrajati, a osoba s najboljim ukupnim rezultatom osvojit će godišnju individualnu članarinu u Gradskoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici Osijek.
Više pročitajte na mrežnim stranicama GISKO https://www.gskos.unios.hr/index.php/gisko-knjizevni-kvizovi/
Quiz will be automatically started at 8:00 PM (GMT+02:00)
Quiz code:
Go to the direct game link from the organizer or enter the Quiz code play.myquiz.org
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Link to the game
How to play:
The quiz starts with a question and several answers.
There could be more than one correct answer
At least one answer option must be incorrect
Select the answer(s) and click on the "Confirm" button.
Players who answered correctly will get points by the organizer
At the end of the quiz a Leaderboard is shown.
If players have the same number of points, the winner will be the one who answered fastest
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Answer accepted!
Time for answer:Correct answer after:Next question after:The time to answer has expired
GISKO književni kviz 4: Harry Potter kviz: 00518132